Our Urgent Need For Ethical Reform

Christopher McHale
2 min readMay 14, 2021

The previous president plowed through the guard rails protecting our Constitution and painted gray areas with his own personal logo. My reoccurring thought during the rough years of his presidency was we need serious ethics reform of the Executive Branch.

His presidency was scattered, unfocused and undisciplined. We survived. I think. But another smarter, ambitious, insidious personality could exploit weak ethics to destroy our democracy.

The Congressional Effort to reform Executive Branch ethics is wrapped into the For The People voting rights act. But Republicans see voting rights as a last stand. Efforts to insure Americans vote are a lethal blow to the minority rule tactics of Republicans. Voting Rights block their preferred corridor to power. The hard work of creating and pitching policy is less attractive than the performative politics of the current generation of Republicans.

Getting the For The People Act through the Senate might be impossible. Where does that leave the push for the reform of presidential ethics written into the bill?

Elizabeth Williamson, writing in the New York Times, identified the ethical reforms written into the For The People Act.

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Christopher McHale

Writer | Composer | Producer | Human | Christopher writes about creativity, culture, technology, music, writing. www.christophermchale.com