Memorial Day


That’s what this day is about.

Memorial Day.

Flags and parades and statues and wreaths.

The wars in my life were of a different sort.

Vietnam. Iraq. Afghanistan.

I didn’t understand them, I didn’t want them, and I didn’t want to pay for them.

But I’m supposed to put all that away today to honor those who sacrificed in those wars.

I can do that. But only in this way. By always working to making this nation a nation that only asks for that sacrifice for a real reason. An honest reason. A reason based on the best principles of this nation. Not the greed of men, or the blood-thirsty power brokers. Not on the word of men who have made no sacrifice themselves.

So, yes. Memorial Day. Honor the fallen. But honor them with truth.

#Memorial Day



Christopher McHale

Chris is the CCO of Studio Jijiji and writes about creativity, culture, technology, music, and writing.,