Kula Lumpur. KL to you.

Christopher McHale
2 min readDec 11, 2018


KL sprawls across a valley with the mountains in the distance

Southeast Asia is buzzing. The word emerging market doesn't even begin to explain it. Things are hopping. And Kuala Lumpur is making fast moves toward the top.

A sprawling metropolis of giant malls, skyscrappers and a diverse urban mix makes for an exciting visit. It’s not an easy place to navigate, but there’s plenty of Ubers (preferred over local taxis) and most people speak English.

Moving down the street you might pass a young Chinese urban woman in a short skirt walking with an Muslim woman in a hajib. It all seems to work. More than that. It feels like the modern world, the one that’s just around the corner and a trip to KL opens your eyes fast.

The local pool is a good place to be on a hot day,

They’re motivated educated and ambitious. The government has made huge investments in the technology sector. Everyone seems to speak three languages and is 25 years old. It’s not so much colonial Kuala Lumpur as modern KL, and though something has been lost maybe more has been gained.

Don’t miss the Batu Caves on the edge of the city

The Petronis Twin Towers dominate the city, but don’t miss the Central Market, the Islamic Museum and the amazing Bird Sanctuary.

Pro tip for your visit: Take the train from KL International airport into the central city. It’s a slog of taxi ride, a good hour, and you can save serious cash hopping on the rail like the locals do.

This building looked like Tony Stark’s HQ to me

KL Ideas:

The Capris Hotel in Bangsar South offers high-end luxury at an incredible $75 a night!

Check out the batik factory in central KL.

Find a local to take you around. I hired a car for a day. The city makes no sense to the unititiated.

Some of the best restaurants are impossible to find, but KL food is incredible. Don’t miss it.



Christopher McHale

Writer | Composer | Producer | Human | Christopher writes about creativity, culture, technology, music, writing. www.christophermchale.com