It’s the democracy, stupid.
America is suffering death by tweet.
Trump is constantly asking how can we impeach him when the economy is doing really, really great? He cites job numbers, stock market, any stat he can get his hands on that show what a great guy he is.
Meanwhile, evidence is piling up around the Resolute Desk. Obstruction, collusion, corruption. The Trump presidency has two years of indictments, resignations, bribery, witness tampering and enough lies to fill the Grand Canyon. America is suffering death by tweet.
So we have these two narratives. Great economy vs. sick democracy. I know which way I go. Honestly, I’d rather be on a bread line and free than a slave to a corporation with no benefits, no savings, no health plan and no future. Here’s my 401k, now take these shackles off.
Trump, of course, is merely the sum of three decades of this tilt toward oligarchy. The assault on the middle class began in earnest with Reagan. That guy gutted our future with his cowboy manners and winsome smile. A folksy robbery of the American Dream. And the weird thing is, people lined up to have their wealth drained by the super-elite pirates of the annoited rich. They still do. Get into a social media wrestling match with a Trump troll and sooner than later you’ll be told how great Trump has been for the economy.
So what is this America Trump and his cult imagine? Walls, for starters. Do you think Trump means to stop at building border wall? No way. They’ll be high walls everywhere. The rich will hide behind them, protected by their private police force. They’ll be no public police force because government, right? They’ll be no roads either. Or bridges. Taxes, don’t you know. Bad.
The American Dream has a stake in its heart. You’ll never be able to work hard enough to get inside Richville. The income gap will grow to such massive disproportions it will be impossibe. You can live on crumbs though. Like the birds in that jungle we used to call a park. Like the sewer rats floating down a river of garbage in our city streets.
After a time the super-rich will leave us behind as they zoom off in their golden spaceships. What? You think Elon Musk plans to stick it out?
And after they’re gone, all of the them, the Trumps and the Kochs and the Mercers, maybe then we can get back to what we started in the first place — building a great democracy of the people, for the people, where all the people are equal and free. Remember that?