Is Decentralized Autonomous Organization the future of work?

Christopher McHale
5 min readMay 9, 2023


“You never change anything by challenging existing reality,” Buckminster Fuller once wrote. “To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.”

One of the ‘new models’ emerging from Web3 is the rise of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). When I first heard the term, I thought I was hearing a reference to the ancient taoist practice, but what I’ve learned is the DAO is an important building block in the Metaverse, and even if the Metaverse itself turns out to a dream of elitist technologists, the idea of a decentralized economic models feels like the way forward for me.

I’m one of those guys who looks at the current state of economic affairs and is not all that impressed. it cost me ten grand to go to college and it cost my daughter 140 grand. That’s a pretty big span over a forty year period.

Does that feel right to you?

We need some new ideas.

What is a decentralized autonomous organization?

Basically, it’s a way for like minded folks around the world to work together on internet projects collectively owned and managed by members of the DAO.



Christopher McHale

Chris is the CCO of Studio Jijiji and writes about creativity, culture, technology, music, and writing.,