Member-only story
C-19 is like Karl Marx last laughing.
Capitialism sucks at pandemics.
2020, the jokes on us. We literally just finished wrapping up a primary season featuring a debate about public health. Most of us went with a mild mannered healthcare solution in the form of Veep Joe.
And then bam.
Every single issue became gutted by the reality of a hard-hitting, fast-talking bug. You can’t build a better response to our wimpy ways.
Suddenly, the Democratic Party prepares for a huge lurch left. Bernie doesn’t go far enough. Medicare For All? We need food for all, jobs for all, free everything.
Deficet spending? How about a deficit spending spree? The printing presses at Treasury are over-heating from all the greenback they’re churning out.
$5 trillion in bailouts, help, recovery. 30% unemployment. 21 million families suddenly without healthcare. 90 days without paychecks. Safety net shredded. Republicans running for the hills. A condo salesman is left to convince us granite countertops make everything better.
Marx warned about capitalism. But telling is a lot different than showing.
We built a hard-charging world of non-stop work and massive consumer debt. Everybody for themselves. Get what you can. Don’t save. Park your social status in the driveway.